U sklopu projekta GLASNO PITANJE (tjelesno-vokalni laboratorij) veselimo se pozvati vas na radionicu “Sounds from within” s Anjom Bornšek (SLO). 28.11. 16-19h / 29.11. 15-18h / 30.11. 16-19h, MO Voćarska (Voćarska cesta 71)
Radionica je namijenjena profesionalnim plesnim umjetnicima/umjetnicama te izvedbenim umjetnicima s određenim iskustvom u tjelesnim i/ili somatskim praksama. Pitanja i prijave na
lana.hosni@hotmail.com najkasnije do 24.11. Preporučene donacije za cijeli ciklus 200kn, drop-in 80 kn.
// “Sounds from within”
The workshop will be taking us on the sound/touch/movement journey in two directions. One will guide us toward our inner selves and the other will help us to bring these inner sensations out intothe space, for us to hear and play with.In the somatic research method Body-Mind Centering®
(BMC) voice is often used to activate/connect with certain physical structures (especially organs and glands). As they are activated and called into our focus, we can more consciously explore the sensations, energies, and expressions stored in them. We will be moving along the spinal column, getting to know some of our glands and organs through sound, movement, and touch. We shall explore the deep and primal connection between sound, vibration, and the actual organic matter we live in. How deeply stored are our sounds?
Body-Mind Centering® (BMC) is an experiential, somatic research method, through which one learns to sense deeper into the body, to attune to the body’s anatomical systems, and to find an embodied expression.
Using anatomy-based information, images, the intuition of a felt sense, movement, voice, breath, and touch, BMC helps us to direct awareness to every part of the body. We are invited to explore a unique expression of each bodily system, sensing a variety of movement qualities, feelings, sounds, and types of presence.
The process of journeying deep within our body, brings us into intimate contact with our personal and shared organic complexity and intelligence, offering us support and enrichment of our moving, thinking, and emotional selves.
// CV Anja Bornšek
Anja Bornšek has been developing her artistic and pedagogic work for many years through various collaborations and research processes both at home and internationally. She graduated from contemporary dance (SEAD Salzburg) and holds a master’s degree in contemporary dance education (MACoDE Frankfurt). She also completed the study of somatics (Body-Mind Centering, Moveus Cologne) and is a Somatic Movement Educator. As a collaborator and a performer, she participated in the projects of Maja Delak, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Snježana Premuš, Mala Kline, Begum Erciyas, Matej Kejžar, Sebastijan Horvat, for whom she choreographed movement for two of his theater plays (2017 “Teorema”, Stalno Slovensko gledališče Trst and 2016 “We, European corpses”, Slovensko Mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana). In 2017, she collaborated and danced in Matija Ferlin’s performance “Staging a play: Glass Menagerie”, which received the GIBANICA 2017 award for the best performance as selected by an expert jury on a Slovenian biennale for contemporary dance. In addition to independent workshops organized in various contexts, she is a regular annual visiting professor at the Academy of Contemporary Dance Zagreb (ADU Zagreb) and at the master’s program in contemporary dance eduaction MACoDE Frankfurt (HfMDK).
She teaches contemporary dance with focus on experiential anatomy and the use of somatic principles, improvisation, as well workshops focused on perception, embodiment, deep listening and attunement. For the last 8 years, she has also been a part of developing and teaching a pre performance format intended for the audience called Physical Introduction, through which she wishes to cultivate a more conscious connection between witnessing physicality and inner perception, and thus a more intimat relationship between the performance and the viewer. She has facilitated it before more than 90 different performances in Tanzhaus nrw and elsewhere (SommerSzene Salzburg, Konzerthaus Berlin, Saarlandsiches Staatstheater, Tanz im August, EMANAT, Festival Tanz NRW).
Since 2020 she has been co-authoring and performing in various performances (2020 “Sonihanja” with Petra Kapš, 2021 “Oči, ki letijo” and “Pronicanja” with Tina Valentan, Barbara Kanc, 2022 “Dotik Tkivo Tkanina” with Snježana Premuš). In 2021, Anja received the Ksenija Hribar award for an uprising perspective choreographer (awarded by Slovenian Contemporary dance Association).
// “GLASNO PITANJE” je istraživačko-edukativni projekt koji za cilj ima okupiti umjetnike s interesom za pokret, somatske prakse, rad s glasom i samoobrazovanje. Ideja je otvoriti multidisciplinarni pristup glasu te uključiti predavačice i predavače čije se prakse direktno ili indirektno povezuju s radom na glasu.
Projekt se održava uz podršku Ministarstva kulture i medija RH i Gradskog ureda za kulturu.
Velike zahvale Odsjeku plesa ADU bez kojeg odvijanje radionica ne bi bilo moguće.
Vizual_Iva Korenčić